
Java is known for being a beginner-friendly programming language that’s also powerful enough for complex projects. It’s designed to create fast, secure, and reliable applications. While its syntax is similar to C++, Java makes object-oriented programming easier with features like garbage collection and a large library of pre-written code (Java API). This flexibility allows Java to be used for everything from server operations to games and even mobile apps. No matter the size or complexity of your project, Java can handle it, which is why it’s a favorite among programmers. Java’s success is due in part to its ever-growing community of developers who keep adding new features and libraries. This constant improvement has helped Java stay relevant and at the forefront of technology.

Original price was: ₹65,000.00.Current price is: ₹50,000.00.

  • Duration 100 hours
  • Lessons0
  • Skill levelIntermediate
  • CategoryJavaScript

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